The Etymology and Usage of Peirar in Early Greek Poetry
Ann L T Bergren
Not Available
The Latin Particle Quidem
Joseph B Solodow
On the Hymn To Zeus in Aeschylus' Agamemnon
Peter M Smith
A Commentary On the Vita Hadriani in the Historia Augusta
Herbert W Benario
The Andromache Of Euripides
Paul David Kovacs
Eros Sophistes
Graham Anderson
Autonomia, Its Genesis and Early History
Martin Ostwald
Iamblichus and the Theory of the Vehicle of the Soul
John F Finamore
Epicurus On the Swerve and Voluntary Action
Walter G Englert
Hekôn and Akôn in Early Greek Thought
Gailann Rickert
Seneca's Anapaests
John G Fitch
Xoana and the Origins Of Greek Sculpture
A A Donohue
Anangkê in Thucydides
Old Comedy and the Iambographic Tradition
Ralph M Rosen
Style and Rhetoric in Pindar's Odes
William H Race
Hekate Soteira
Sarah Iles Johnston
The Decrees of the Demotionidai
Charles W Hedrick
Shifting Paradigms
Bernard Frischer
Rhetoric and Homiletics in Fourth-Century Christian Literature
Steven M Oberhelman
Alexandrian Citizenship During the Roman Principate
Diana Delia
The Poems Of Petronius
Edward Courtney
Studies On the Text Of Suetonius De Grammaticis Et Rhetoribus
Robert A Kaster
Aristotle On Tragic and Comic Mimesis
Leon Golden
The Selected Classical Papers Of Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve
Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve
Form As Argument in Cicero's Speeches
Christopher P Craig
An Historical and Historiographical Commentary On Suetonius' Life of C. Caligula
Donna W Hurley
M. Tullius Cicero, the Fragmentary Speeches
Jane W Crawford
The System Of Public Sacrifice in Fourth-Century Athens
Vincent J Rosivach
Musa Lapidaria
E Gildersleeve Professor of Classics and 2 more
Beyond Aristophanes
Gregory W Dobrov
Eleusis and Athens
Maureen B Cavanaugh
Essay On the Life and Poetry Of Homer
The Comet Of 44 B.C. and Caesar's Funeral Games
John T Department of Classics and 4 more
Archaic Latin Prose
Emmins on Sentencing
Martin Professor of Criminal Justice and 2 more
Studies in Classical History and Society
Meyer Professor of Classics and 2 more
Sextus Empiricus
Luciano Lecturer in Philosophy and 3 more
Matro of Pitane and the Tradition of Epic Parody in the Fourth Century BCE
S Douglas Olson and 1 more
The Augustan Succession
Peter Michael Professor Emeritus of History and 3 more
Greek Mythography in the Roman World
Alan Charles Anthon Professor of the Latin Language and Literature and 1 more
Virgil Recomposed
Scott Assistant Professor of Classical Studies and 2 more
Representing Agrippina
Judith Associate Professor of Classics and 2 more
Figuring Genre in Roman Satire
Catherine Assistant Professor of Classics and 2 more
Homer's Cosmic Fabrication
Bruce Associate Professor of Greek and Latin and 2 more
Hyperides: Funeral Oration
Judson Assistant Professor of Classical Studies and 2 more
Studies on the Text of Macrobius' Saturnalia
Robert Professor of Classics and Kennedy Foundation Professor of Latin and 1 more
Traditional Elegy
R Scott Assistant Professor and 2 more
Work in Progress
Sean Alexander Associate Professor of Classics and 3 more
Emperors and Usurpers
Andrew G Assistant Professor and 2 more